Sunday, August 26, 2012

Messages of the Now

We are in a time of Divine understanding. People's spirits are opening up tremendously. There is a new understanding of an old understanding. So much if not all that we have been fed from the outside world has been lies and we are finally seeing this clearer and clearer. There is still truth among the lies, but at this state of demolition, we must almost start from scratch. And that is what we are in the process of doing. We are breaking down in order to build back up. The lies are shattering.. and those who are in the understanding are entering a whole new level of understanding..and those who did not yet understand are now beginning to.. these ancient blockages are becoming unblocked.. and the truest of understandings is beginning to flow.. nothing is the way it seemed to be.. nothing.. even God.. God to this world today means not what or who God really is.. our language is so diluted from its true meaning that no words that we know can properly convey the Divine meanings.. our language must collapse as well.. and it does once we begin to recognize the lies as lies and desire to be revealed to the truth.. we begin to understand the language that we have known our entire lives with a different set of ears.. it's as if our ears have been thickly clogged and now they have been un-clogged..what a difference it makes! You can actually hear! Same goes for vision.. once blurry is now clear and you can actually see! You in your own life are probably going through some major shifts whether you recognize it or not..our whole planet and Universe is..there is NO way you could escape this shift..there are many deaths extreme ways..all of these deaths have meanings..this is an intense time..these times we are now living in..this is a time that has been prophesied since the beginning of our time..and we are this time...
do not be afraid of this not give into the fear of this time..this fear that has had us is now going to put up a fight to keep us away from our things are going to get ugly and at times has had us for so has controlled us for so long..we are its power..without our belief in it, it becomes power-less. Fear without fear is-nothing. Fear is only as powerful as we make it. And since we are becoming aware of this, fear is losing its hold over us..and it is going to fight hard to keep us. Humanity has given fear its power. And we have been ruled by it in every aspect of our lives. We are afraid of everything. Afraid of the most natural things. Afraid of ourselves. Afraid of our love. Afraid of nature. Afraid of each other. See it, my family. See this life for what it has become. See yourself for who you have become. And do not be afraid of it. Recognize that when you are afraid of it, you are acting in fear, and there is no truth in fear, because fear is n o t real. Fear is the opposite of the real, of the truth. Fear are the lies. Remember this. Become aware of your e v e r y thought and ask yourself what kind of thought it really is. Is this a thought of fear? Is this a thought of truth? How can you tell you might ask when it now seems confusing to be able to tell the difference because you have been knowing the lies as the truth this whole time..yes, but there is a space within you that is still connected to the this point it seems so distant and faint..that glimmer of light within you..and that is because you have not been nourishing it..but yet, it is still there..and anytime you question a lie..that space of truth will give you a signal that that in fact it is a lie..there will be something in you that feels either good or bad..the truth never feels bad unless you are living in lies..and if you are living in lies, well then this is when you must question everything. Your life is one big statement of your faith. Faith meaning what you believe in. Not meaning what religion do you believe in, but what your mind believes. Where your spirit stands. In the light-in the truth, or in the darkness-in the lies. Your whole life and everyone in it is a reflection of your spirit. So look around yourself and see what it is you are seeing. See who it is you have been being. Look at your relationships and see how they are being..Look at your are them and they are you like what you see..are you truly happy..are you......are you truly content...are you....our vision cannot be clear looking outside if we have not clearly looked INside, at ourselves. And that is where most of humanity stands. Not truly seeing themselves, functioning on the out-side, therefore, not seeing anyone or anything else-truly. So we have a world full of unconscious robots moving around unconsciously being guided by other unconscious robots. Quite scary. And this has been our world for most of our time here. But again, the lies are shattering and the spell of delusion is breaking and the consciousness is returning. 
I have said a lot here, repeated myself many times and it is all for a reason.. we have been programmed and in order to de-program our minds, things must be repeated in order to tap into our ancient truth memory..activate our remembrance of our truth..This ego driven world has worked very hard at removing us away from this truth. But we are waking up*
There is a Holy peace that is and has always been upon us, it is up to you to claim it..that is all you are to do..and it will be yours. Please remember this in times when fear seems to have a hold over you..and this the times to come when darkness seems to be all there is, and remember that the LIGHT is ALWASY here, just pull your gaze towards it and the darkness will lose its power.
We are in some serious times, family, and things are falling apart..and there will be a deep desperation.. and many will act out of this desperation..and there will be intense please remember this..even in the darkest moments the light is always shining, but it is up to us to keep our gaze securely towards the light.. the Light is our way..the Light is our truth.. the Light is Our Divine recognize the lies, but do not dwell in them, my family. Stay in the Light of The All Mighty Creator of all the heavens and of all the earth and all of the Galaxies, all of the Universal dimensions. There, beside Our Holy Creator, we are protected. Royally. Claim your Light. Claim your protection. Claim your love.

Peace is upon us

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