Saturday, August 25, 2012

keep the focus on Y O U until you are W H O L E and can truly give of yourself to others
This is not selfish, this is loving y o u r s e l f
When you are not yet whole and you give to others, for others, what you are giving will quickly be depleted and forgotten, at the same time depleting your own inner supply, because it is not whole, it is not coming from a place of abundance, but rather an emptiness. Many who are still empty give to others to make themselves feel whole. That is not genuine giving. That is selfish giving. A Genuine act of giving comes from a place and space of pure l o v e - pure wholeness - 
I give to you because I love you
I can love you because I love myself
I love myself because I acknowledge and honor the Divinity within Me
and also within You

Receive the love that We are

and learn to truly love

and learn to truly give

There is no reward like it-
