Here is a story that I found on line that says it comes from the Sia(Zia) Pueblo People..
A Sia Legend
Before Ut'se't, Mother of the People, left this world, she selected six Sia women and sent one to the north, one to the west, one to the south, one to the east, one to the zenith, and one to the nadir, and told them to make their homes at these points for all time. That way they would be near the cloud rulers of the cardinal points, and they could intercede for all the people of Ha'arts.
Ut'se't told her people to remember these women in times of need, and they would appeal to the cloud people for them.
The Sia alone followed the command of Ut'se't and took the straight road, while all other pueblos advanced by various routes to the center of the earth.
After Ut'se't's departure the Sia traveled some distance and built a village of beautiful white stone, where they lived for a long duration.
At one time all the parents suffered tragically at the hand of ti'a'moni, who, objecting to the increase of his people, caused all children to be put to death. The Sia had scarcely recovered from this calamity when another serious difficulty arose.
The Sia women worked hard all day, grinding meal and singing; and at sundown, when the men returned to the houses, the women would often abuse them, saying: "You are no good; you do not care to work. All you want to do is be with women all the time. If you would allow four days to pass between, the women would care more for you."
The men replied: "You women really want to be with us all day and all night. If you could have the men only every four days, you would be very unhappy."
The women retorted: "It is you men who would be unhappy if you could be with the women only every four days."
And the fight grew angrier and angrier. The men cried: "Were it ten days, twenty days, thirty days that we remained apart from you, we'd never be unhappy."
The women replied: "We think not, but we women would be very contented to remain away from you men for sixty days."
And the men said: "We men would be happy to remain apart from you women for five moons."
The women, growing more excited, cried: "You do not speak the truth; we women would be contented to be separated from you ten moons."
The men retorted: "We men could remain away from you women twenty moons and be very happy."
"You do not speak the truth," said the women, "for you wish to be with us all the time, day and night."
Three days they quarreled and on the fourth day the women finally took themselves to one side of the pueblo, while the men and boys gathered on the other side, each forming their own kiva, or ceremonial chamber. The women had a great talk and the men held a council. They were both furious with one another.
The ti'amoni, who presided over the council, said: "Perhaps you will each be contented if you and the women try living apart."
And on the following morning he had all the men and male children who were not being nourished by their mothers cross the great river which ran by the village, the women remaining in the village.
The men departed at sunrise, and the women were delighted. They said: "We can do all the work; we understand the men's work and we can work like them."
The men said to each other: "We can do the things the women did for us."
As they left the village the men called to the women: "We leave you to yourselves, perhaps for one year, perhaps for two, and perhaps longer. Who knows how it will work out? After all, men are not so amorous as you."
It took a long time for the men to cross the river, as it was very wide. The ti'amoni led the men and remained with them. The women were compelled by the ti'amoni to send their male infants over the river as soon as they ceased nourishing them.
For two moons the men and women were very happy. The men were busy hunting and all the game they could eat, but the women had no animal food. The men grew stout and the women very thin.
At the expiration of the first ten moons some of the women were sad away from the men.
As the second year passed, more of the women wanted the men, but the men seemed perfectly satisfied with the way things were.
After three years the women more and more wished for the men, but the men were only slightly desirous of the women.
When the fourth year was half gone, the women called to the ti'amoni, saying: "We want the men to come to us."
The female children had grown up like reeds; they had no flesh on them. The morning after the women begged the ti'amoni for the return of the men, they re-crossed the river to live again with the women, and in four days after their return the women had recovered their flesh.
- Based on Matilda Cox Stevenson's report of 1889.
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There is a natural order to life. We are who we are because we were created in this way, at this time. When man tries to change this natural way of being, man is no longer living in his truth, and the pain and confusion enter in.
One can seek for the truth, the truth can be revealed, but it is up to the seeker to accept the truth, or not. The deepest freedom lies in the acceptance of the truth.
What is truth ?
Truth lives in the realest place within your living being, and when you feel it, when you touch it, when you see it, you know it.. you know it..
you may not like it..but you know it..
What do you choose..
Choosing truth is the great battle of man's time..we have moved away from truth since we moved away from God, The Creator. Lies have consumed us and everything we do. Though the truth still remains, as does our choice to choose truth. It is hard at this stage to even tell what is truth and what is-not, for the lost seeker. The seeker must surrender all understandings of his own mind and vision and ask to be lead by the light of the Knower of All so that they may see the t r u t h -again-
Women, we are the mothers of the living.
Mothers, we are the bearers of life.
We carry the love that every living being needs, to live, in their truth.
Whether they need us every day, every four days, or every other moon..
We are here to give our our children, to the men who gave us our children, our mothers, our fathers, our sisters, our brothers, our lands, our animals, our waters.. all that lives..
We carry the love of the Creator within us as do all living, we hold the wisdom of the world within our wombs. If we have forgotten our love, how can anyone else remember.... ?
A man lives to fulfill his duties. His duties are the more physical duties. It is how he has been created. If we do not accept him and try to conform him, we will lose him. He- will lose -himself. It is up to us to give them our nurturing love so that they know how to love themselves, us, and our children, and our land, and our animals, and our waters, and all that lives..
The state of our world reflects the state of our Spirits. Our Spirits are not connected to our love. We are not loving ourselves. Therefore, we cannot love - anyone. We continue to battle in war because our Spirits are still in battle. Our Spirits are in battle because we are not giving into our truths. Into our love.
Some will say, "but I love so much and so hard and still, I am in pain!"
You are in pain because what you are giving is not love, what you are giving is pain. Causing more pain. Probably to someone also in pain. Pain pain pain. Old pain that has been with you for most of your life. We are also carriers of the Spirits that live within us..our blood not only can we carry our own personal pain that stems from a lack of love during childhood, but we carry the pain of our ancestors lack of love. For some this pain is deeper. Some experience very little pain in life. This is for those living in pain, which from the looks of it, is most of our world. Our governments are run by little hurt children, taking their confused aching hearts pain out on the world. Anyone...anyone... who acts in dishonesty and injustice, does not k n o w - love. That is all that is lacking in our world. The one simple (we are the ones who have made it hard) act. The one simple understanding. The one simple knowing.
When you can see past the pain, past the lies.. you see the lack of love.. you see the weak little child so malnourished in love..and then the pain and lies are understandable.. how could someone who does not know love, who was never given or shown love, or someone who has denied love, how could they and their actions cause anything other than pain.. ? Compassion. Compassion is what one feels when they can see beyond the wrongful actions of another and into the pain that it is coming from. You are not provoked to react to their wrongful actions, because you can see the root of their being is in pain and you don't want to cause them more pain, instead you love. Either from afar or nearby. That, is compassion. That is what our world does not remember. Because we have forgotten our love.
To be able to give your love without depleting your own love, to be able to give love -period- you must first love, t r u l y love, yourself.
When we do not truly love ourselves and we give our love away, as we naturally do, we are giving from an already empty place, making it even emptier.. until we feel we cannot give anymore..and then the desperation kicks in.. and we are no longer women.. t r u e women...
A woman is the human core of life. We have the strength of the world within us. The heart strength, within. There is nothing, nothing stronger than the power of -real- love. Love can transform the darkest beings into the brightest beings.
Our men are with us to be who we are not. We, their women, are with them, to be, who they are not. Creating a perfect, balance.
A -perfect- union we are. A perfect partnership. A perfect duo. If we only allowed ourselves to be, who we truly are.
If we allowed ourselves to be who we are, and who we are for each other, we could sustain off of our love and gratitude for one another and would want to please one another in the most loving ways. Because we would realize how the role of the other is so needed to live a life suited for our true selves. Loving is not meant to be a burden. Loving is meant to be loving. And so beautiful.. and so gracious.. and so harmonious.. so peaceful.. so perfect.. like Our Creator. We are His creations, how could we be any less ??? We are not. We are so much more than we allow ourselves to be. We are physical manifestations of His Love.
Wasted, painful time so many spend in trying to make our partners into someone they are not. Wasted, painful time so many spend trying to make themselves into someone, they are not.
So many do not want to be who they are. So many wish to be someone else. With someone else's If they could only look at themselves in their fullness to see who they are, who they came here to be, all that is here for them, or seemingly not here for them, but all they have been given and - a c c e p t - themselves, their true selves, not the life they have created for themselves in their false-selves, they could begin to live in truth.. where peace is a constant rather than a rare moment. Where all of your hearts desires are met, because your heart only desires the truth of everything and everyone, therefore the truth is given unto you. Truth is beauty. Truth is love. Truth is peace. Truth is clarity. Truth is strength. Truth is wisdom. Truth is Honest. Truth is humble. Truth is light.
Men, you are here to guard, protect and provide for us, the carriers of life, your continuation of life is through us, and we honor and thank you for loving us, the way you love your mother, the way you love your sister, the way you love your daughter. We are all of the same. We are the women of your life. We are life. You are life. We love you.
When we forget how to love each other, it is because we have forgotten how to love ourselves.
Learn your love
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