i feel the pain and the pressure of the world, in my heart
in my heart i can feel you all
mostly i feel your pain
because mostly, there is pain
it hurts my heart
your hurt hurts my heart
because I can -feel-
most of you have learned and trained yourselves how to -not- feel
because the pain was too much for your sensitive hearts, your sensitive spirits
we all come into this existence on such a high level of sensitivity
we come into this world from a spirit realm where our senses are on a spirit level which is free, able to - be .
the amazing beings we are.
the state of our world, has been so harsh on our precious sacred spirits
our innocence had no chance of survival
so here we are, here we have been
products of our pain
our whole world
products of our pain
our pain as a People
our pain as an ancestor
our pain as an individual
hurt little children punishing who we can for not being fully loved
if you have, or if you are a parent who does not know how to love, you are a parent who has forgotten how to love yourself. A parent who had a parent who had a parent who had a parent who did not know - love.
Today there are many "kinds" of love. According to those who do not know -true- love.
Many "love",
many "think" they "love"...
many are loving from a place of pain
where there is pain, there is a lack of love
so the love that you have and give, carries little substance
true love is so filling!
It quenches all thirsts and feeds all hungers to the deepest degree
Love is the only true power there is
Love is the only true power that exists
Because Love is who Our Creator IS
there have been many powers that have come to be since we discovered our own powers and chose to use them without the direction of our Creator,
but when you can see past the ego made facade, you can see that only love exists
everything else is only real because man has made it real
every disease, every sickness, every polluted thought, every war, every govermnent is as real as it is today because we have chosen to believe it is real
therefore we have given it our power
therefore, it is real
I am a believer in love. I believe true love is living. True love is what keeps our hearts beating. True love is from the Holiest Source of Life. He is not a He. He is not a She. He is nothing and everything. He has no name Holy enough for our wretched tongues to speak. There is no human language sacred enough to convey a name as Great as His.
So we are here, brothers and sisters of the Now,
in the awakening..
Realize, some of us have been here longer, some of us have ben sent here, for this,
learn to understand your spirit
Be humble in your new understandings, for you are now like a child, in a new world
There is much more to understand
Let your excitement guide you to more questioning, more listening
Do not speak so soon from excitement of new lessons eagerly to teach others when you have just learned yourself
be patient with those who have not yet awakened and remember that you were once sleeping, like they are, still..
pray for them
pray for yourself that you may be the light that shines in the dark
pray for them
pray for yourself that you may be the light that shines in the dark
Take your time in understanding, always coming back to your humility in knowing that no matter how much you may know, you know nothing.
Your life is a servitude to the One who knows everything
every second waiting upon His command of love
Who am I... I am the humble Servant of the Lord of all the Heavens and of all the Earth, here, to do as I am commanded, and as one does who truly loves, my life is showered with unending blessings, because I am loving. That is all we are here to do. So simple... so simple... once you remember your truth.
Once you remember your truth, you begin to live in the Paradise of the Now
For even when there is chaos and pain, the truth will prevail and ultimately manifest peace.
May you be guided by the Holy Spirit and transform your life into a living prayer of love.
I love you
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