Wednesday, February 6, 2013

There are always messages being given to us to help us grow more into our t r u e selves. To help deepen our understanding of ourselves which then allows us to deepen our understanding of everyone and everything living which would be us living fuller in our humanly potentials. 
All it takes is for us to quiet our minds so that we can hear all the messages for us. Everything we need to know is being told to us, and everything that we need to get is always given to us. But you have to be free enough to receive, all of your blessings. To be free, comes your surrendering. Your surrendering will grant you your freedom. Stop working so hard at what you don't really need. Allow yourself to be blessed with all the blessings your precious life deserves. It is easy to receive once you realize how sacredly special you are.
I am grateful to all the unseen light workers around me, helping me, guiding me, loving me. They are the workers of the light..the children of the light..who thrive in the ethers of the ethers of the truth..making ways for love to manifest..they are God's hands..a gadrillion of them..working for His love..this realm of holy love is the place we have all come is the place we all still exist -in. What makes this a living reality for me is I have felt this love and it has penetrated my being, awakening my truth-thee truth and I have re-claimed this truth as my truth. Therefore, it is. After this life, I believe I will return to this Paradise and stay there for eternity back to the side of my King, my Father, my Husband, my Brother, my Son. Who am I ? I am the Sophia of the Now.
Learning, here, how to be, who I Am, there -

Seek, and ye shall find

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